Well, I finally took the plunge and read a type of book I do not normally read by an author I have not yet read - Leading Beyond the Walls by Adam Hamilton. When I'm reading non-fiction, I tend toward the social justice/ethics oriented books that are my passion. But I also have been wanting to find some books that would address other concerns of ministry in my current setting - things like stewardship and pastoral care.
I've found most 'leadership' books I've read (we had a lot of them to read in some of my less-than-favorite classes in seminary) wanting in quality and content, offering a lot of fluff and not a lot of depth. I've also particularly not picked up any of the many Adam Hamilton books, because, frankly, they are so over-advertised by Cokesbury. Maybe that sounds like a silly reason, but there it is - I resist marketing strategies sometimes.
So, finally, I read Leading Beyond the Walls. Revwilly should be pleased, since he told me I should add "learn to lead" to the list of things I want to do before I die. For the most part, I was pleasantly surprised. The book is certainly readable - straight through would hardly take a day to read, but I took chapters at a time, starting with those that were most interesting to me, and going back to pick up what I'd missed.
I think Hamilton does tend to set up a "this model I have is the best model" scenario. I realize that success prompts confidence in this, but I think sometimes what he says borders too much on a "if you do this, then you will have these results" concept. I'm sure that's not what is meant, but that's how it sometimes read to me.
I was also irked by his dismissal of lectionary preaching - he gives it a little attention, but brushes it off pretty thoroughly: "I am aware that many reading this book are excellent lectionary preachers . . . I am also aware that most of the churches that attract large crowds of nonreligious people and introduce them to Christ do not use the lectionary." (pg. 91) I don't think Hamilton adequately talks about this or why this is so. The debate over lectionary vs. non-lectionary preaching is a long one with passionate voices on both sides. Right now in my own worship services, I follow the lectionary in one and not in the other. I think both can work in the right context.
What I did like?
Hamilton's book is inspiring. It makes me believe that my church in suburban Central New York can become all sorts of things that I am sometimes skeptical to believe. His writing makes me want to see the church grow in ways I usually doubt are possible. He makes me want to start working to make that happen right now. This kind of inspiration is sometimes exactly what I need.
I like his emphasis and ideas on evangelism and pastoral care. He has some great, tangible, and fairly simple ideas about how to connect with visitors, how to draw people in, how to relate in pastoral care, premarital counseling, funerals, etc. His ideas about following up on new visitors will be some of the first I want to actually implement in my congregation.
I also love his ideas about "mountain climbing" (pg 62-63), where his church offers "trail maps" for novice and more experience Christians looking for a path of discipleship, with connections to appropriate ministries in the congregation.
I think his suggestion of visiting "next tier up in size or scope of ministry" churches is a great one, and I want to check out where I should look at going.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good mix of practical ideas with inspiring visions of where your congregation could be headed. It won't offer a sure-thing plan for you, but hopefully it will offer you some fresh ideas and fresh hope.
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Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C, "Raise Your Heads," Luke 21:25-36
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Glad you liked Hamilton's book. Regarding his comments on preaching I would recommend you read his book, "Unleashing The Word."
your recommendation at the end was super. You sure you are his PR :)
I know Adam Hamilton and he believes his approach to doing church is one way among many. It is what he knows and it works for him. He basically says, "here's what we do and how we do it. Try it,it might work for you or you may need to make some adjustments."
In my opinion, even though you did not ask the best book on leadership(at least of the hundreds I have read) is "The Leadership Challenge" by Kouzes and Posner. I believe it should be on every pastor's desk.
dam Hamilton came to the Oklahoma Conf. last year and spoke to the clery on worship... AS one who serve in a church that's worship traditional (high church), which I like and yet I desire, strive, and are learning about a more postmodern, emergent or alternative worship…. And I must say I haven’t read this book… but from what I gathered by is lecture/workshop… I it bothered me about the non-lectionary thing also… I find deep meaning behind the body of Christ wrestling with a set of scripture at the same time… Generally, I would say he is a moderate that is very practical, on church growth.
I struggle with many of the church growth strategies yet I believe that if we are disciplining (making disciples) and caring for each other (as a community) then we (the church) will grow. As a liberal that never took any evangelism classes because it seemed… I’m not sure but now I regret not knowing what I missed.
So who know maybe a few inspiring visions might be helpful….
I havent read Adam's book, but I'm sure that I would disagree with the thoughts on lectionary vs. non lectionary preaching.
good and prophetic preaching is good prophetic preaching if it: eaches people in their context, invites the biblical narrative to dwell in their context, and nudges them to draw closer to God and neighbor.
I dont think lectionary or nonlectionary preaching has anything to do with that. I myself LOVE using the lectionary and feel very comfortable speaking, teaching out of it and I feel it can be very powerful. It is also a wonderful way for all people- churched and unchurched to be connected with THE CHURCH at large. just some random thoughts. thanks beth.
David Grady wrote:"Very few that I know of went into ministry to be 'a leader'". Does not a shepherd lead the flock? I don't see that being ordained to Word, Order and Sacrament as being antithetical to leading. And isn't interesting that the pastors of the largest churches (the churches that have invited the most people to follow Jesus, the churchs that send the most out into mission and ministry, the churches that pay the most apportionments, the churches feed the most hungry, etc.) are great leaders? John Wesley was a great leader. Will you be?
I hope I am not misunderstanding you, but you seem to be saying some things I find disturbing. First you seem to say that you cannot have quantity and quality at the same time. To put it another way, you can't have a big church with any kind of spiritual depth. Do you really believe that? Experience has taught me that the larger churches have more spiritual depth which is one of the reasons they attract people and keep them.
When you talk about the "go with what works" as perhaps not being the best thing to do, are you saying we should go with what doesn't work? One could make the case that many UMC pastors do that.
And, to my knowledge the meaning of the word leader has not changed in the past 200 plus years. The Committee of 100 stepped in and took on the leadership of the church which thrived because of the leadership it gave. And no doubt there was at least one or two of the Committee who had great leadership skills.
I see no contradiction between being a good leader and a good pastor. To me those two concepts are complamentary. My Staff Parish Committee tells me that I preach well, pastor well and lead well. In fact they want a strong leader who will help them go places and do things they cannot go or do on their own.
You seem to have a very narrow image of what a leader looks like, acts like, talks like, etc. I do not believe we should all look like Zig or any other the other pastor/leaders you mention. Can we learn something from all of them? Yes. Do we need to take the princples they teach and share and apply them in our own personal style? Yes. And to my knowledge none of the leaders you have mentioned would every diminish the importance of prayer and teaching. Perhaps one of the reasons they are so effective in reaching people for Christ is that they spend much time in prayer and teaching.
Effective leadership has absolutely nothing to do with one's personality. I know very effective pastor/leaders who are major introverts. Leadership has to do with a set of skills that just about anyone can learn and apply.
You remark that the mega-church pastors you mention had no theological education and that we UMs value that. I'm not opposed to education but it can be argued that the education we receive as pastors in your seminaries is not helping us be effective. I believe we should should knowledgable in theology. But my experience in seminary did not teach me a thing about how to be an effective pastor who could lead and develop others to make a difference for Jesus Christ. I had to learn that on my own. Thankfully my seminary has caught on a little and is requirinc courses in leadership and the day-to-day operation of a church. So here's the question: is seminary really necessary? Early Methodism spead like fire without seminary educated pastors.
One of the things I have noticed in the blogging realm is that many(not necessarily you) of the liberal pastors are skeptical and highly critical of the mega churches. In some cases the skepticism is warrent, but in most not. There seems to be a mind set that a church beyond a certain size is not good. It almost seems like small is better. Many seem to think that quantity and quality(spiritual maturity) are mutually exclusive.
You need to be careful about statement you make about some pastors. For example, it is a fact that Rick Warren was not on book tour during his wife's battle with breast cancer. His church gave him the time off to be at home with her. And I would challenge you to show me were Bill Hybles advocates being homogeneous. Have you ever been there on a Sunday? I have and I was amazed at the various colors in the room. It is true that the area that church is in draws a certain demographic. It is also true it sends out thousands of minister(lay people) do the poor and dispossed every day. As to Adam Hamilton's comment about Brooks Brother's suits I won't argue with what you say you heard. I could imagine that Adam might say that clothes can be a factor in helping certain people identify with you, but certianly not the only thing or main thing. On Sunday mornings Adam wears a robe and the majority of the congregation is casually dressed.
I greatly enjoy our conversations.
Without wax,
Will Clegg
Beth WAS brave to post her ordination questions but Rev Willy you are also right to question where ordinations committees and the like are going.
I long for some real mentoring and it just isn't coming - and there is only so much you can get from books, even good ones.
I'm tired of Rick Warren, and church growth stuff I really am. Yet I want God to reach out communities and make a difference ... therein lies the dilemma.
thanks for hosting such interesting discussion here Beth :)
I made an appointment with a pastor of a church much larger than mine and asked him if he would meet and have coffee with me several times a year. He agreed. Each time we meet I have specific questions I ask him about leadership and pastoring a large church. I've learned more from him than I have in many books I have read. If you are going to be an effective pastor, reaching others as you desire, you have to hang out with the ones who are successful in doing what you want to do.
Why don't we take this discussion to your blog?
I'm not one to stray very often from the lectionary, although we've expanded the Philippians readings so as to read (and preach a series on) the whole letter. I recognized Hamilton's name but couldn't place it until I followed the link to COR. We read a book of sermons (a "hot potato" series) by him in seminary in social ethics.
Why is it that the churches most likely to accept (embrace, hug, go to bed with) the "whatever works" approach to worship and membership recruitment (a.k.a. "evangelism" but evangelism, of course, is more deep and broad than that) are often the churches least likely to be cutting edge in their evangelism through compassion/justice issues, and least likely to be cutting edge in their theology?
Sign me: Trying to be evangelistic AND prophetic in Minnesota
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