1. Fiction what kind, detective novels, historical stuff, thrillers, romance????
I love the classics - Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, plus I love C.S. Lewis' Chronicle of Narnia, Barbara Kingsolver's books, and of course, Harry Potter.
2. When you get a really good book do you read it all in one chunk or savour it slowly?
For really really good books, I tend to get through them as fast as I can. But some books, even good, are just too dense. I don't usually intentionally savor them, it just happens sometimes!
For really really good books, I tend to get through them as fast as I can. But some books, even good, are just too dense. I don't usually intentionally savor them, it just happens sometimes!
3. Is there a book you keep returning to and why?
Oh, I have quite a few I regularly reread (which my brother doesn't understand). Louisa May Alcott books - they always inspire me for a simpler way of life, and they remind me of the holidays, so I usually read them around Christmas. I reread Jane Austen novels because of the good romance - who couldn't use a little more Mr. Darcy? Ditto Bridget Jones' Diary and Mark Darcy. I reread The Chronicles of Narnia fairly regularly - for fun. And Harry Potter - to remember what happened in preparation for the next book in the series!
Oh, I have quite a few I regularly reread (which my brother doesn't understand). Louisa May Alcott books - they always inspire me for a simpler way of life, and they remind me of the holidays, so I usually read them around Christmas. I reread Jane Austen novels because of the good romance - who couldn't use a little more Mr. Darcy? Ditto Bridget Jones' Diary and Mark Darcy. I reread The Chronicles of Narnia fairly regularly - for fun. And Harry Potter - to remember what happened in preparation for the next book in the series!
4. Apart from the Bible which non-fiction book has influenced you the most?
Maybe The Working Poor by David Shipley. But I'm not sure.
Maybe The Working Poor by David Shipley. But I'm not sure.
5. Describe a perfect place to read. ( could be anywhere!!!)
In bed on a cold and rainy day.
Reading on a cold and rainy day--perfect!
The working poor sounds awesome- another addition to my list!
...as for in bed on a rainy day- oh yes!!
Oooh, Jane Austen...I recently checked out Emma from the library as an audiobook, and I love it!
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