Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Hardest Thing in Ministry

There are many things that are hard about being a pastor. Meetings, funerals, conflicts, whatever. But I think I know the hardest, at least what has been the hardest for me so far: telling your congregation, who you love, that you've received a new appointment.

On September 1st, I will become the pastor of Franklin Lakes United Methodist Church in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference, a cross-conference appointment (as opposed to a change of membership). My appointment was announced today both here at St. Paul's and in Franklin Lakes, and announcing this change was one of the harder things I've had to do in ministry (life!) so far. St. Paul's has been such a warm congregation in these last four years, and the people have been so extremely supportive during my probationary period, and so ready to share in celebration with me when I was ordained. I couldn't imagine loving a congregation like I loved the congregation I grew up in, but the people at St. Paul's became my people and my congregation.

I'm excited about my move to Franklin Lakes. Bishop Devadhar comes from my annual conference, and I was honored that he thought of me for an appointment - but also surprised! I wasn't expecting to move this year - most appointments have already been announced, and I was pretty sure that I would be here another year. Yesterday I met with folks from Franklin Lakes, and I'm excited about their sense of vision, and their willingness to try new things to be disciples and make disciples. And Franklin Lakes is about thirty minutes from Drew. I eventually hope to pursue a doctoral degree, so I'm excited about being close to Drew when that time comes. And I think that this appointment is a gift from God put right into my lap. As my mother would say: how much sense would it make to say, "No thanks, God, I don't want this gift?"

Emotionally drained, and full of hope and expectation.


DogBlogger said...

Wow, Beth! Blessings to you as you navigate saying goodbye and hello.

Rev Paul Martin said...

Well, it sounds like you have a good move ahead of you. Congratulations and may it be all you hope for and may you and your new faith community be a blessing to each other.

Of course, the down side is leaving. Sadly that is a bummer - bit it leads to a new day!

Cheryl said...

Welcome Rev Beth

From Cheryl Jarrett and Tessa

Beth Quick said...

Thanks for the warm wishes!

Hi Cheryl (and Tessa) - Thanks for 'stopping by' ;) I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Justin said...

Hi Rev. Beth,
My family attends the Franklin Lakes United Methodist Church. I am in the youth group. Although we are sad to see our current pastor leave, we are excited to have you. Your website looks great! Good luck with your transition!


Beth Quick said...

Hi Justin! Thanks for stopping by my site - I'm excited to be coming out to Franklin Lakes - I appreciate the warm wishes for transition - I will be thinking of you all too as you are in transition!

Melissa said...

Congrats on the new appointment! I'll be praying for you as you make this transition!

seethroughfaith said...

ok now I found it. Blessings :)

Sermon for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, "Picnic and a Boat Ride," John 6:1-21 (Proper 12B, Ordinary 17B)

Sermon 7/28/24 John 6:1-21 Picnic and a Boat Ride Our gospel lesson today is a text that’s probably familiar to most of you, at least some...