Last night I was telling my mother that I'd bought two Bibles for one of my friends. I wanted the NRSV translation, but also wanted a compact Bible, and couldn't find the combination I wanted. So I bought I regular-sized NRSV and a compact TNIV.
When I explained this to my mother, she asked, "What does 'compact' mean? Just that it's smaller?" I told her yes - 'compact' just referred to size. But then I teased, "No mom, it's the 'highlights' edition of the Bible. Only the best included." She envisioned one of those commercials - you know the kind, for the CD compilations of love songs, etc. - with Jesus performing the hits: Sermon on the Mount. The Last Supper. The Passion: Remix. Can't you just imagine?
Of course, now that I am blogging through the Bible in 90 days, along with a group of bloggers, I don't think my idea is so crazy. I could have done without 1 and 2 Chronicles for the most part. Now, in the midst of the prophets (I'm about 10 days behind - apparantly, doing my own program: The Bible in 101 days.), Jeremiah and Ezekiel are sounding an awful lot alike, and God has condemned just about every geographical area I can think of at least twice. Even the Psalms, some of which I love, were getting repetitive - starting out in a lovely, poetic fashion, and ending with the Psalmist calling for God to smite all enemies.
But kidding aside, reading the Bible so quickly like this, I've renewed my appreciation for all of it, even the stuff that's harder to wade through. I never could understand Bibles that included only The New Testament and Psalms/Proverbs - perhaps one version of the Bible's Greatest Hits. I may be a flaming liberal, and I find things in scripture with which I disagree wholeheartedly, and I certainly don't interpret it literally, but I love the scriptures, love the story of God and God's people, love the ways people struggle and understand God differently, and express their faith in God differently. John Wesley often talked about the "whole scope and tenor" of the scriptures - the wholeness and unity of the Bible that is expressed when you look at it not as separate verses, but as one book.
I may have in my mind my own version of "Greatest Hits" - verses that inspire me. But the whole book - that's what truly challenges me.
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Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C, "Raise Your Heads," Luke 21:25-36
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I tried to comment on this over on 90 days but it wouldn't accept it
Beth - I love what you wrote here. Really love it.
(and the Bible in 101 days sounds GREAT too- you'll still be finished by Easter or there abouts - laughing- and from the outset we agreed we'd give each other and ourselves grace -it's all good is our motto)
Be blessed
Mmm I struggle with Judges - never preached on it. Samson always strikes me as a sort of suicide bomber. Guess it shows the dark side of life.
Anyway I'll look at the 90 day thing you mention.
Yeah, I struggle with all that God-ordered genocide. I suppose that God is gradually growing us into more civilized beings, so that what is acceptable for Christians generations ago is now repugnant in the eyes of God (e.g. slavery).
I read through the whole Bible every year, and it's been a tremendous blessing. There's a lot of tedium in Leviticus, Jeremiah, and other spots. But in the midst of the 'God will smite the nations' passages are little gems.
Zephaniah 3:14-20 was the passage that Katherine and I had read at our wedding. I would never have found that precious jewel if I didn't read through the whole Bible. It's worth it.
It can be a struggle at times, especially reading all those "begots". But what a I found out was that I can even hear God speak to me through books like Leviticus and Numbers when I'm truly listening. That's what makes the Bible so great.
Leviticus is pretty tough. My question is: if you don't take what you read literally, but pick and choose what parts you want to believe and live by, then what can you have in common with others who have their own parts? I appreciate your post, and the fact that you actually read the Bible. Most don't and rely on a preacher to tell them what the Bible says.
"I love the scriptures, love the story of God and God's people, love the ways people struggle and understand God differently, and express their faith in God differently."
Beautiful! May I quote you at my Bible study this Thursday night?
- Andy B.
Lorna - I posted it there first only accidentally, and deleted it ;)
Brett - I think we all pick and choose - just in more or less conscious ways. But you are right - we must be careful. I think that's where prayer, study, discernment, faith, and using our gifts come into play. (Wesleyan Quadrilateral!) Anyway, since I am a preacher, I have to help others understand :) But I think, of course, our understanding is never complete. That's part of the blessing of scripture.
Andy B - I'm flattered, and of course.
This was just a high quality post. I love it.
I was studying to teach bible study this weekend and stumbled across your post. I am amused by the "Greatest Hits" idea. :)
I, too, "find things in scripture with which I disagree wholeheartedly," but I usually find out that it was me who was wrong, not the scripture. :)
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