Friday, September 21, 2018

A Sung Communion for World Communion Sunday: For the Beauty of the Earth

For the Beauty of the Earth: A Sung Communion Liturgy for World Communion Sunday
Tune: DIX, 77.77.77 (“For the Beauty of the Earth,” UMH 92)

Gather, friends, from far and near
Gather, friends - you are welcome
Come to the table, join the meal
God invites us, every one.
Sing together, voices raise to our God this song of praise.

Lift your hearts up to the Lord!
God, we lift our hearts to you.
Give to God your thanks and praise.
It is right to give our thanks.
Sing together, voices raise to our God this song of praise.

God, you made us out of love,
Each one different, yet like you
We’re one people, all the earth
Many nations, many-hued
Sing together, everyone! Tell the world what God has done!

Though we are one, we’ve built up walls,
Nurtured fears and pain and strife,
In our anger, turned away
From the gift of God-breathed life.
Holy God, we turn to you. We repent and start anew.

So you sent your holy child,
Come to share your reign on earth
Breaking all our barriers down
Teaching us our sacred worth
Jesus Christ, God’s gift of grace! At the meal we take our place.

Jesus shared a meal with friends
Took and blessed and shared the bread
“This, my life, I give to you
Remember when you eat again”
We remember, we give thanks, for the meal of love and grace.

Jesus took a cup of wine
Shared with friends fruit of the vine
“In this cup forgiveness find,
Gift of mercy, gift divine.
We remember, we give thanks, for the meal of love and grace.

Pour on us your Holy Breath.
Pour your Spirit on these gifts.
Make them into Christ for us.
Make us Christ for the whole world.
God of all, to you we raise this our song of grateful praise.

Text: Beth Quick, 2018.
Creative Commons License
A Sung Communion Liturgy for World Communion Sunday: For the Beauty of the Earth by Rev. Dr. Beth Quick is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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