For the most part, I appreciated what Hamilton said. He came down kind of hard on the "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors" campaign of the UMC, calling them "soft values" - I wouldn't exactly agree with him. I don't think those things are necessarily soft values. But he offered some alternatives (too many too fast for me to catch) that were pretty good.
He spoke a lot about his own faith journey, and his struggle to find a denomination where he could be a pastor - he knew he was called to ministry, just not sure where. He describes a funny story of wanting to learn what the UMC was all about. So he goes to a library and checks out the Book of Discipline. Everyone was laughing at this, suspecting he'd find it boring. But Hamilton said this is what clinched it for him - he loved our statements about doctrines and beliefs. Actually, maybe his story isn't so rare. I know one of the staff at GBCS became a United Methodist after reading the Social Principles. She saw in them a church she wanted to be a part of. Something to think about.
Hamilton also wondered why we don't teach people to memorize scripture anymore. Actually, I had a great deal of scripture memorization in my childhood church. Hamilton knew a Sunday School teacher who used the same approach as mine: bribery. I got paid a nickel for memorizing verses, which I did with dedication because of this incentive. I think on of the biggest mistakes liberals make actually is not knowing their scriptures well. I know my bible pretty well - it doesn't make sense to speak from it or argue for or against certain interpretations or whatever if you don't even have ready access in your mind to what you are talking about.
He went on to talk about things that are holding back churches from reaching people: 1) Self-centered churches that focus not on the unchurched or nominally churched but on themselves. What are we really willing to do to save lost people? 2) Failure to have authentic leadership 3) Lack of vision 4) Poor preaching and worship. I think he is on point with these.
He also talked about his preaching - he tries to have every sermon teach something specific, touch the heart, and contain a concrete action that people are meant to try, so that they leave knowing what they are supposed to do. It is this third part that I think I lack in my own preaching sometimes. I'm not very specific or direct in what I think people should do. I wonder how being more concrete would work - would it limit people in ways they can respond to the word, or help them focus in on something?
Hamilton also gave a great comment about his frustration with people who insist that God's actions in human suffering are meant to test us, punish us, teach us a lesson, etc. He said that parents would never hurt their child, give them cancer, harm them to teach them something, so why would we say that God does to us what we, imperfect humans, would not even do to our own children? Well said.
Anyway, Hamilton modeled well, since I left his lecture with some concrete ideas to try. More reflections to come - I still want to touch on Bishop Jones, Ellsworth Kalas, and workshops...
I also came (back) to the United Methodist Church after actually making a careful reading of the liturgies in the Hymnal and the Doctrinal sections of The Book of Discipline. I found everything that I had already come to love about the Anglican tradition (through worshiping at an Episcopal Church) - the ancient and deep liturgy, the emphasis upon sacraments and tradition, particularly the Patristic and Anglican sources, as well as the biblical and historic doctrines of the Articles of Religion - along with much that was familiar from moving through Evangelical (emphasis on conversion and Biblical authority) and Charismatic churches (emphasis on direct experience of the Spirit). I also discovered that John Wesley was something of a kindred spirit. So I found myself home, back in the church of my childhood where I began.
And yes, "Open hearts..." is definitely soft values. Christians have gone to their deaths for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ as an already-not-yet reality that they had sworn a covenant oath of allegiance to (through baptism). But who would die for something as vague and amorphous as "open-ness"? Open-ness to what? That is not something so compelling that it will radically re-orient all of my values and priorities. But Christ the King is.
Another comment on the UMC slogan...
If I recall, it was originally put forth by UM Communications as part of their advertising campaign to get people to give the UMC a try when church shopping. Sort of a, "our churches may look old and traditional, but they really are welcoming with kind people who are going to be happy to meet you, no matter who you are."
But I think that while the UMC on paper does fit this description, sadly, many local UMC congregations are not like that at all!
A congregation that's the toughest nut to crack in our community has this on their church sign, but when you visit, you find anything but that! The folks just want to keep to themselves and heaven forbid if a "different" kind of person enters. (How they dress, race, young, etc.)
I wonder what percentage of our UMCs actually fit this description anyway? My guess is maybe 30 percent, max? It's kind of false advertising.
Oh for the day when our congregations match our rhetoric (even at this "soft" level!)
Beth, I appreciate your blogging about what Adam Hamilton said, since we were still on the road.
A UCC student at MTSO noted that "at least our slogan mentions God". I was rather embarrassed when he pointed this out, and since then I haven't liked the Igniting Ministries campaign.
Also, my church can't afford to keep its doors open during the week.
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