Checking in from Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Yay for wireless internet, both at the camp and the church where we are staying.
We had our first full day of work today, in Pascagoula. Initial impressions can be deceiving - there is not as much wind damage - things knocked over (at least in Pascagoula) - as I saw when doing clean-up in Florida last year, but there is much more water damage. So many homes just completely destroyed. We spent all day today on one house, tearing down paneling, door frames, etc., since everything is becoming overrun with black mold. All the work must be done with respirator-masks. Huge piles of 'garbage' which used to be people's homes and possessions.
I have a feeling my body will be very very achy in the morning.
And now a question for you: This weekend, I will be leading a healing service at my church. I've led a healing service before, but want to know if you have ideas/resources/good or bad experiences in healing services that you'd be willing to share. I'm trying to put the service together while I'm down here, and I can use extra help to make my planning time shorter than longer!
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Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C, "Raise Your Heads," Luke 21:25-36
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I think the Episcopalians have the best litany of prayers for healing. I use it because I think it may be very helpful to some folks who don't relate to the anointing/laying on of hands so much (or even Eucharist, for that matter).
The litany is in their Book of Occassional Services.
Glad to hear you made it through your first day. Don't worry, you'll be achy in the morning, but you'll work it out by lunch...ha ha.
It's been a while since I did one and forgot what I did. I think I used the BOW and changed it to fit my situation a little. I would use some annointing oil and read from James where he talks about annointing those with oil by the elders. (Dont have a Bible or BOW by me at the moment -- pretty bad preacher huh?)
Is it a congregational service or a healing service for a specific person? You might share the Lord's Supper as a sign of healing.
Hope the mission trip is going well. You are in my thoughts and prayers. As a pastor with MS, I have found the healing service we have at our fall theological conference is a vital part of my ministry. It helps me recenter and refocus my energy on things that I can do, and brings a sense of wholeness in spite of some brokeness in body. I really apreciate the hymn "There is a balm in Gilead." I also find that face to face individual prayer with someone (including laying on of hands, depending on comfort levels)is very powerful. I also appreciate that in our service it is one of wholistic healing and includes the opportunity for confession if one desires. Promises of healing and absolution! That's Grace! Anyhow, starting to ramble and its almost confirmation time. Blessings, Chris
Thank you for coming to Mississippi to help us. I haven't been to Pascagoula or Ocean Springs since I came back from evacuating after the Storm.
I'm with Greg on this
James definitely
and oil
I think you can also use water too - to symbolically clense
Important thing is to be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
If you can get testimony from someone - I think that's always brilliant and so faith building.
Have you seen any of the Iona liturgies for healing services...
their shop is
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