Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Confirmation Class

This fall, I'll be teaching confirmation at FLUMC. In the past, I've used both the denominational Claim the Name materials and Bishop Willimon's Making Disciples. Each has strengths and weaknesses. Making Disciples isn't specifically UMC, so it has to be supplemented. Claim the Name - well, I just didn't find it very interesting for young people. 

What confirmation materials have you used? What works? What doesn't? What other things have you done with confirmation classes to make the journey special and meaningful? 

1 comment:

chris said...

I've taught out of Claim the Name a few times, and I've always adapted the activities to try to make them more interesting or relevant to my group. Sometimes the book seems to go over a 12 year old's head, and sometimes it doesn't seem to take them seriously. What I did was take the message of each lesson and be selective and creative about what activities I did to get the message across to them.

I'd rather have a book that has the right stuff, even if the level is not quite right. No matter how good the activities are, I'll always tune them for my class. I'm much better at that than modifying the syllabus.

Good luck. Kids with questions are fun. :)

Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C, "Raise Your Heads," Luke 21:25-36

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