Saturday, August 11, 2007


Here's the latest of my nephew Sam, wearing a cute outfit I got him. Turns out I have a hard time maintaining my anti-consumeristic aspirations when it comes to Sam. Can you blame me?


John said...

He's adorable!

(Is the blogging yet? That's mandatory for Quicks, ya know.)

Anonymous said...

Only one comment? What's wrong with you people? Look at this kid. He's beautiful! Let's hear it.

Anonymous said...

He's the most beautiful little boy!! And I'm not (just) biased!

Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C, "Raise Your Heads," Luke 21:25-36

Sermon 12/1/2024 Luke 21:25-36 Raise Your Heads Last Sunday, I was guest preaching at a church in New Jersey, and my text was one of the c...