Note: I recently updated my "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" text from Singing at the Table for our Advent Lessons and Carols service at Drew Theological School. (You can hear the liturgy at the end of our service here.)
A Sung Communion Liturgy
for the Season of Advent/Lessons and Carols
(Tune: HYFRYDOL, 87.87 D, UMH #196)
Text: Beth Quick, 2019, 2023.
Incorporating phrases from “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” Charles Wesley, 1744,
and “Comfort, Comfort, O My People,” Johann Olearius, 1671, Catherine Winkworth, trans.
To the table, you’re invited.
Lift your hearts to God and sing.
Praise to God, who has created
All the earth, each living thing.
God, we lift our hearts in longing
as we trek the Advent road.
Seeking peace, yet still we struggle.
Crumbling under sorrow’s load.
Holy, Holy, you are Holy!
Blessed is the One who comes.
All your works are full of glory.
Join in the unending hymn:
Sing Hosanna! Sing Hosanna!
Now your gracious kin-dom bring.
Child of Peace shall come among us.
Let the earth with praises ring!
Come, oh long-expected Jesus.
Teach us how to work for peace.
From our fears and wars release us.
Let us now your justice seek.
You’re our strength and consolation;
Hope of all the earth you are.
Source of goodness, well of wisdom:
You’re the joy of every heart.
On the night he was arrested,
Jesus shared some bread and wine.
Thanking God, he blessed and gave it:
Grace for all of humankind.
“Bread - this is my body given.
Wine - My life, poured out for you.
Eat and remember that you are forgiven.
Reconciled, you are made new.”
Come, O Spirit, we call on you:
Be poured out upon these gifts
Take these signs and make them into
Body, spirit, life of Christ.
Send us out now to serve your people
Sharing in Christ’s gracious ways.
By your strength we work for justice,
God of peace, lead us always.