Sunday, May 22, 2005

Quiz: What is your World View?

What is your world view? I found this quiz via another blog - sadly I can't site my source - I can't remember what direction I came to find it - so my apologies. But try it out for fun!

Here are my results:

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View? (corrected...again)
created with


Anonymous said...


This was a strange quiz, but I like it. I was amazed. I read your Blog often and I figured that we would be almost exact opposites, based on the blogs you read and the stuff you post about. However, I scored as a Cultural Creative as well. My God, what does this mean??? How can a liberal from upstate NY and a conservative from the deep South fall into the same category? You said you couldn't find the source. It must be Satan!!! :-0

Have a great day.

John said...

I'm an Existentialist by 63% and a Cultural Creative by 56%.

gavin richardson said...

i went cultural creative by 81%, postmodernist by 63%, and then idealist..

Beth Quick said...

Keith - your comments made me laugh out loud. ;) i wonder if this works out generationally at all? if that has a lot, or anything, to do with it. what do you all think/

Anonymous said...

Cultural creative 94%. Then materialist. Then existentialist.

DLW said...

I think the forms one's cultural creativity takes must depend on the other categories. I also scored highest on cultural creative, but was quite different than Beth on the other categories. For example, I was very low on idealist.

Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent, Year C, "Raise Your Heads," Luke 21:25-36

Sermon 12/1/2024 Luke 21:25-36 Raise Your Heads Last Sunday, I was guest preaching at a church in New Jersey, and my text was one of the c...