Friday, May 19, 2006


When I was in elementary school, my big brother bought me a cassette tape that I played over and over and loved. I have no idea what it was called. I remember parts of lyrics to the first song: "You can surely say, in a certain way, each and every day's a new beginning. Starting out to see possibilities . . . " That's as much as I remember. One of the other songs was a mother-daughter duet that I thought was very pretty.

Anyone have a clue what this might be?


Anonymous said...

I think you're making the whole thing up .... but just on the off chance that you're not I'll keep working on it. After all, it's distracting me from the joys of contractions! :-)

Anonymous said...

Who now? All I remember buying you is an Alyssa Milano tape with "Do Run Run" when I was in Japan.

Beth Quick said...

No, this was earlier - Westernville early. Though, I do love my Alyssa Milano tape - my favorite being "Itsumadimo kimi wa Sunshine Boy."

Anonymous said...

WESTERNVILLE early??? Eepers! I've been having a hard enough time figuring out what sort of thing Jim might have possibly given you post-Westernville early much less THAT early! Closest I've been able to come lyric wise was a pretty bad (IMHO) Diana Ross song called "Back To The Future" ... no relation to the movie, though, so I can't imagine why Jim would have gotten it for anyone. Hey Beth - could you hum a few bars? ;-)

Anonymous said...

You can surely say, in a certain way, each and every day's a new beginning.
starting out to see possibilities, you can hold the keys to happy endings... its all in how you look at it to get what you see!

coz every days a new beginning if you want it to be.


NO matter what you're doing now, or what you've done, sunshine can break through the clouds, you can start from square one!


verse 2

Unlock those long forgotten dreams, they can come true, there's so much that you can be, if you really want to!


I am from Melbourne Australia and I was also introduced to this song around the same age as you. i first heard it in 3rd grade, 1995. we would always sing a song during morning prayer (Catholic school)

I don't know if this helps at all but maybe the full lyrics will jog your memory.

Beth Quick said...

Thanks Ash! How fun to have all the words :) Thanks for posting them!!

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